Unfortunately this driver is not available. But don't worry, we have hundreds of brilliant drivers waiting to help with your move.

Ashley Marshall Transport Service


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We can't give you a quote from Ashley Marshall Transport Service, but we have hundreds of drivers waiting to offer you a great price.

At avs we are operating as a small family run business under the trading name: avs


we offer a wide range of service

we also undertake commercial contracts for other small business as well and general domestic jobs. for pricing and info please get in touch


we have only been operating since the early part of October 2013 and have had a lot of interest and clients  since we have been trading and are hoping to expand  as time progresses on


we also have access to a great range of vehicles and a team of guys


to find out any more information please contact

About Us

  • 86-90 Paul Street
  • London
  • England
  • United Kingdom
  • EC2A 4NE
  • Company number 15614061
  • VAT number 464774651


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