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We can't give you a quote from BOX DROPPER MAN AND VAN, but we have hundreds of drivers waiting to offer you a great price.
We Can Help You With
Flat Removals Van Removals
Part Removals Student & Small Removals
Local Store Collections Online Goods Collections
Household, Flats, Garden & Garage Rubbish Removal
Scooter, Motorcycle & Goods Moves Up To 1 Tonne Weight
The Box Dropper Long Wheel Base Van
Ideally Suited For Man And Van Services
The Box Dropper long wheel base van can carry loads up to 11 feet long and has a ceiling height over 6 feet high and can safely carry loads up to 1.2 tonnes per journey.
The van is fully ply lined, well lit and is very well maintained to protect your valuable goods that need to be moved in transit. It has on-board satellite navigation, secure bluetooth mobile communications and vehicle reversing sensors. I am also fully insured to carry up to 2 passengers in the front of the van for removals, courier or goods collection services.
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